Anyone involved in a motorcycle accident will tell you it is one scary experience. The risk of serious injury to a motorcyclist is always there because, unlike a car or truck, the vehicle offers absolutely no crash protection.

For motorcycle riders, there is also the longstanding problem of motorists who claim not to see them. Many automobile drivers tend to disregard, ignore, or overlook cyclists on the road. This often leads to motorcycle accidents.

Motorcycle riders therefore know all about the need to remain vigilant and to practice defensive driving skills. But, in the event of an accident, there are several things you should know that will help you protect your rights.

What To Do After an Accident

In the event you are involved in a motorcycle accident, here are some tips for what to do next:

• Stay on the scene. Wait for the proper authorities to release you from the scene. Call police immediately to respond to help you. A police report will be necessary if legal action becomes necessary.

• Check to see if any parties involved are injured. All injured parties must receive medical treatment immediately. It is also important to have all medical activity available in a report for legal purposes as well. Never refuse medical treatment even if you believe the injury is minor.

• Exchange information with the other motorist or motorists, involved. Make sure to give and receive insurance and vehicle registration, name, address, phone number and any other pertinent contact information. Obtain all vehicle information such as make, model, year, VIN and license plate numbers.

• Preserve all evidence. Never touch or remove anything prior to authorities examining and recording the accident scene. Get the contact information from all accident witnesses. Always take photographs if possible.

Once these things are taken care of, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable and experienced accident attorney. An attorney can help you protect your legal rights and assist with insurance settlement negotiations and offers.